keep out. it's boring.

Monday, February 9, 2009


what's worse?
not answering or not getting through?
am i supposed to take this as a message?
is there a function that filters out unwanted calls?

or is it just that its just a moment of temporal preoccupation?
or the receiving station is lost?
if it's lost would there be the effort of reclaiming it in such a short time?
even if its reclaimed, would there be replies?

am i supposed to even worry about this?
am i eglible to worry about that?
not here, right?
is it just an accident of forgetfulness?

why am i checking on my phone constantly?
why do i always think i received a message but its just an optical illusion?
and why everytime my heart skips a beat receiving an sms?
but its revealed to be some forwarded advertisement message
and then reality sinks in.

and then all the questions stated above shall repeat themselves randomly but in similar ways

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is full of questions! Where are the answers?
